The Redland Club Community Centre CIC

About The Redland Club

The Redland Club Community Centre has undergone significant renovation since 2009. Some funding was obtained from the John James Trust at the outset and also Bristol City Council Neighbourhood Partnership in 2010, to undertake some of the improvements. The dance school 'Tango West' has organised and overseen all of these works.

The entrance/lobby area was completely transformed with the removal of a series of huge coat rails to become a useful and welcoming entrance space. New anti-slip flooring was installed in the lobby area, kitchen and toilets and all areas were completely renovated and redecorated. The electrical wiring, heating and plumbing systems were overhauled to achieve compliance with safety regulations.

In the main hall, an old stage area was removed to achieve a larger circulation surface, additional parquet flooring was fitted and the whole floor was completely sanded and resealed to form a perfect surface for dancing (as a result no metal stiletto heels or rough footwear are permitted in the hall!). There is a range of lighting options, including spotlights and uplighters. New vertical blinds were installed in 2014.

The kitchen has been refurbished to modern standards to become a useful facility for small events. There is a fridge, cooker and microwave. Crockery and utensils are also available for use.

The most recent change at the club has been to the refurbishment of the “Vintage Room” – formerly the old snooker room. This is a large multi-functional room that can be used for a variety of purposes including meetings, one to one sessions such as counselling or coaching, therapy sessions or meditation.

More changes have taken place recently or are in the pipeline. These include the installation of a new boiler, more radiators, energy saving LED lighting and the installation of improved insulation. Disabled access toilets are planned in the near future. Various grant bodies are funding these works. The Council are undertaking major roof renovations

email - Michele (Redland Club Community Centre)

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